2005-2007 Partner Schaller-Architects Stuttgart
- Hotel-Development Symbiotic Tower Riga, Daugava-River design-constr.-docs
- Hotel-Development X-Hotel Downtown Riga deseign
- Architectural Competition Maritim-Hotel Riga/Lattvia
- Winning competition Aizkraukles-Banka including Hotel, Riga/Lattvia
- Winning competition Visturdaz-Green-Quarter including Hotel, Riga/Lattvia
- Winning competition Forest-Links-Golf-Club Hotel/Residences Jurmala/LV
2008-2009 Owner CEO ‚Geplan Interior Design, Stuttgart‘ int.-hotel-design
- 5* Westin Grand Munich as subcontractor Carbone-Design CH
- 5* Althoff-Hotel Tegernsee/Germany as subcontractor Carbone-Design CH
- 5* Sheraton Zurich-Center as subcontractor Carbone-Design CH
- 5* Adlon-Kempinsky Berlin remodeling rooms competition
- 5* 1.FC-Shaktar Doniezk/Ukraine competition training-spa-guest-hotel
- 5* Interconti Davos spa-area for Klafs-Sauna-Spa/ Germany
- 5* Hotel Eden Roc, Ascona Laggo Maggiore/CH spa-area for Klafs-Germany
- 5* commercial-spa 1200m² for KBV-Dresden Jekaterinburg/ Russia
- 4* Superior Ifen-Hotel-Travelcharme spa-area for Klafs-Sauna-Spa/ Germany
- 4* Superior Hotel Lacus Felix, Gmunden/ Austria
- 4* Hotel Pestana Villa Rauch/ Berlin
- 4* Medical-Wellness-Hotel Uktus/ Jekaterinburg-Russia competition
- 5* restaurant ‚Zurigo‘ Ascona Laggo Maggiore/CH for Carbone-Design CH.
- Klafs Sauna&Spa flagshipstore Zurich/CH design – realization.
- Klafs Sauna&Spa flagshipstore Vienna/Austria design – realization.
- Klafs Sauna&Spa flagshipstore Meerbusch-Düsseldorf /Germany design – realization.
2009-2019 (design, construction-docs wellness)
Owner Chris Mischke Architecture & Interior Design
- 3* Wellness-Hotel ‚Hundsbach-Black-Forest‘ development-remodeling
- 6* private wellness-area 250m² Villa Vallery‘ Kiew/ Ukraine
- 6* private wellness-area 500m² ‚Stugna-Riverhouse‘ Kiew/ Ukraine
- 5* public pool-/wellnes-area ‚Pushkinsky‘ 2500m² Doniezk/ Ukraine
- 4* Superior pool-/ wellnes-area ‚Hotel Marina‘ 1500m², Kiew/ Ukraine
- 5* Interior Design Janqki-Lake-Golf-Clubhouse, Bejing, 2000m²
2014-2024 Design to realisations mixed projects:
Owner Chris Mischke Architecture & Interior Design
- 2011-2014 priv. residence-spa-pool ‚Marina-House‘ Kiew /Ukraine key-ready.
- 2012-2015 3* Marriot / Moxy business-hotel 176 rooms Stuttgart-Airport. Development, design, building-permit.
- 2014-2015 Car-parking-structure 500 units Leonberg, Germany keyturn-ready
- 2013-2018 Winning competition 25-unit-housing-project Leonberg,German keyturn-ready 1800m²netto-space..
- 2018-2019 Wolftechnik office–storage-addition Weil der Stadt, Germany keyturn-ready 1000m²netto-space.
- 2019-2020 Development, design, building-permit 200-room boardinghouse Leonberg, Germany.
- 2020-2021 Facelift interior design 2 fitness-studios Powerplay Lady-Fitness Leinfelden-Echterdingen and regular studio Bonlanden, Germany.
- 2022-2022 Temporary conversion office-space to 9 flats 1000m² netto-space as refugee-accomodation, same time preliminary design futureconstr. 40 small apptm. as handicapped accessible elderly-living-space former headquarter Leonberger-Kreiszeitung Stuttgarter-Str. 7-9 Leonberg, Germany.
- 2022-2023 6 flats Leonberg-Germany + car-shop, design-developm., building-permit, construction-docs,1000 m².
- 2023-2023 3-family-house energetic remodel activating state-funding.
- 2021-2024 Cube-E-Bike-Flagship-Store Leonberg, Germany Design-development, constr.- / tender-docs, building-management, keyturn-ready, 2500 m² netto-space.
- 2024-2024 Facelift interior design 2 fitness-studios Leinfelden-Echterdingen and Filderstadt-Bonlanden, Germany.
2018-2024 Freelance-activities
2018-2019 Freelance-activity for Ippolito Fleitz Group Stuttgart
( interior-design.
Construction-/ tender-documents for an office-building
Wörwag-Company Paint-Factory Korntal, Germany 4000 m² netto.
2019-2019 Freelance-activity for Ippolito Fleitz Group Stuttgart
supervisor employees construction-documents for a show-kitchen
Catering LSG-Company Lufthansa Frankfurt, Germany 1000m²netto.
2020-2020 Freelance-activity for Ippolito Fleitz Group Stuttgart
construction-management refurbishment exhibition-hall
Messe-Frankfurt, Germany 2000m² netto-space.
2022-2022 Freelance-activity for Ippolito Fleitz Group Stuttgart
supervision drafting-team constr.-docs, detailing interior design LSG Lufthansa-Catering show-kitchen Airport Frankfurt Germany 1000m²netto-space.
2022 -2023 Freelance-activity for Ippolito Fleitz Group Stuttgart
Building-permit-drawings building-cluster small hotel,
restaurant-extension, wellness-workshop-facilites /construction-management remodeling old restaurant and 2-family-house Stockenweiler, Germany.
Since 2009 Owner Chris Mischke Architecture & Interior Design.
2008 – 2009 Owner & CEO‚ Geplan Interior Design, Stuttgart‘ int.-hotel-design.
2005-2007 Partner Schaller-Architects Stuttgart.
2003-2004 Head Planning-Department , Schatz-Development Schorndorf/Germany.
1993-2003 Project-Architect / project-leader Behnisch & Partner/ Stuttgart.